It’s not that there’s anything particularly physically wrong (beyond the huge incisions, drains, etc.). I guess it’s just the beating it took to carve out the lymph nodes north of my shoulders. This procedure adds enormously to the remission and survival rates of the treatment, theory being that if there’s going to be a reappearance of the malignancy, that’s where it’ll be. But man, I gotta tell you, if I know how nasty I was going to feel, I would have dug a lot deeper into the risk ratios before I let them do that again.
Anyway, since I’ve been flat on my butt for two weeks, I have no material for you this week. I gotta get back into real society this week, back to the office, back to the actual world. Appreciate the patience, look for something with a little more heft later in the week. I’ll come up with something less whiny and more funny!
Dave - PLEASE give yourself a break, huh! you are definitely NOT whining.