Friday, June 3, 2011

It Might Get Messy

Hopefully, now that I’m out of the hospital and the violence seems to have passed, not AS messy.

My muscles think they’re tired of lying in bed. It’s like having “restless leg syndrome” throughout my anatomy. Everything is screaming to get the hell up and go. Until I do. Then my intensely weak physiology gives it up and wants to get back down. Until it forgets and wants to get up… .

You get the dilemma. The wracking pain and nausea of last weekend have been replaced by this enervation. Going up or down the stairs is a major undertaking, sometimes featuring, if nobody is around to observe, me crawling down backwards on hands and knees. Getting to the toilet involves 20 minute internal debates regarding payoff vs. level-of-effort. Getting to my feeding station halfway across the bedroom floor is a Herculean effort.

And when I get there, sit still and start to feed the UN emergency rations into my gut tube? Why, my muscles are convinced they want to get up and wander around. 

This is incredibly uncomfortable! 


  1. Doc -

    Uncomfortable? I believe that sand in one's shoe is uncomfortable.

    I think your modest assessment of what you are going through is a testament to your tenacity for defeating this.

    Fourth quarter man! You are almost there!

  2. Are you getting those large muscle spasms? I forget what they call that, but it's like being shaken awake when you are just falling.that is, if the rls doesn't keep you awake. Gotta get through this to get to the other side. Sending all the positive energy I can.
