Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Deep Deep Doo Doo or The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

Or both. I believe that I have figured out, with the help of what I do not doubt is innumerable hours by zillions of selfless and dedicated individuals expending incredible expertise on behalf of cretins like myself, a way to put my recordings onto this blog in playable form. First up for experimental purposes: this version of Tonio K's fantastic Little Willie Caesar. Try it, see how it sounds. If this works, and works as easily as it seems to, there is much, much more bad music to come!!!

Oh, man, this is gonna be SO cool......

PS--you can get this tune from the archive host at:

I'm guessing that's where the rest of my stuff will live, so check it out frequently! Also, if you have a little time to invest, please visit the other bricks in this weblog empire wall:

Thanks for stoppin' by!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Brutal...Just Brutal

Remember the systemic shock to your physiology when you realized that Al Jourgensen and Ministry could make Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails sound something akin to the Cowsills? [those of you too young to remember the Cowsills should immediately refer to for some remedial information transfer]. Well, whatever industrial and/or metal you’re into at the moment, even if you can’t bring yourself to yank that 3 Inches of Blood set from your car player, I can pretty much promise that Anaal Nathrakh is more intense, more extreme, and, yes, more brutal. 

I have two albums, purchased as a value-priced set: The Codex Necro, and When Fire Rains Down From the Sky Mankind Will Reap as it as Sown. These are both absolutely phenomenal. Creative. Interesting. Massive. No home should be without. 

Anaal Nathrakh. Two 
absolutely brutal—         
and excellent—albums. 

Now. What could possibly be “brutal” about a Bob Marley and the Wailers album? Well, it could be a recording of the last concert before Marley’s death from metastasizing melanoma. It was in Pittsburgh in 1980. The tour was cut short when Marley grew ill and went to Germany to spend months undergoing futile “alternative” treatment for his cancer. To the obvious tragedy of his truncated life, this set adds the fact that his music and stage presence were moving and growing and getting bigger and broader and better. The show includes a bunch of new stuff along with truly creative and rockin’ versions of older material. The I Threes in particular are in awesome voice. 

It’s clear that, like Jimi Hendrix, if he’d lived, the music we listen to now would be very different from what it is. 

Marley’s last album. Best
Buy includes an “exclusive”
third disk with a 5 song EP
of mostly Jamaican mixes
and releases. And for the 
moment the entire set is an
incredible bargain at $12.

And a final question. What could possibly be “brutal” about a movie starring Helen Mirren? If it’s violent action comedy Red, also starring Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, and John Malkovich, essentially everything. Especially when Mirren gets her hands on a .50 caliber machine gun.

Action comedy starring
Helen Mirren and various
weapons, including a 
.50 caliber automatic. 

Please take a moment if you’ve got one to surf on over to,, and . Thanks for stopping by!